Joe Alderman
Joe Alderman
Senior Associate, MA MRTPI
Joe joined the Practice in 2014 following 6 years working within the Planning Department at the London Borough of Bromley. In his time at the Council he worked within the Planning Policy and Development Management sections. He is a Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.
Joe has a broad understanding of the private Land & Development consultancy sector and, prior to Local Government, he gained extensive experience liaising with external consultants and professionals such as architects, highway engineers, urban designers, heritage consultants and arboriculturalists. His varied workload involves dealing with landowners on a regular basis, ranging from members of the public, construction and development companies, and professional investors.
Joe has dealt with a range of complex residential and commercial planning applications, and has undertaken recent instructions relating to:
- new residential development;
- residential and commercial extensions;
- policy research and land availability assessments;
- pre-application submissions;
- non-material and minor material (S73) amendment applications;
- discharging of planning conditions;
- Lawful Development Certificates;
- applications for Prior Approval (changes of use, larger home extensions, etc.)
- town centre and commercial changes of use;
- Listed Building consent;
- advertisement consents
In his time at Bromley Council he was involved in a range of town centre renewal projects, planning policy development and the preparation and adoption of Development Plan Documents for the planning authority.
As well as managing his own individual case load, Joe has also coordinated the project team in a number of larger scale, more complex projects including urban extensions.